Manifold API
Programmatic access to Manifold.
Our API was historically hosted on
, but we recently moved to give the API its own domain at
Please migrate any code you have to the new domain. The old domain will disappear at some point in the future.
Our API is still in alpha — things may change or break at any time!
If you have questions, come chat with us on Discord. We'd love to hear about what you build!
If you notice any errors or omissions in this documentation, please let us know on Discord, or fix it yourself by submitting a pull request.
Get Started
In your terminal:
curl "" -X GET
You can also go to the url directly in your browser to see the response of any GET request.
GET requests with parameters should have the parameters in the query string. POST and PUT requests should have a body with a JSON object with one property per parameter:
curl "" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"amount":1, \
"outcome":"YES", \
API responses should always either have a body with a JSON result object (if the response was a 200) or with a JSON object representing an error (if the response was a 4xx or 5xx).
All times are UNIX timestamps in milliseconds since epoch. (Javascript timestamps.)
As a point of naming, a topic (the tag on a question) is called a "group" in the code and in the api, and a question is called a "contract" in the code and sometimes a "market" in the api.
Some APIs are not associated with any particular user. Other APIs require authentication.
APIs that require authentication accept an Authorization
header in one of two formats:
Authorization: Key {key}
. A Manifold API key associated with a user account. Each account may have zero or one API keys. To generate an API key for your account, visit your user profile, click "edit", and click the "refresh" button next to the API key field at the bottom. You can click it again any time to invalidate your existing key and generate a new one.Authorization: Bearer {jwt}
. A signed JWT from Firebase asserting your identity. This is what our web client uses. It will probably be annoying for you to generate and we will not document it further here.
Usage Guidelines
Feel free to use the API for any purpose you'd like. There is a rate limit of 500 requests per minute per IP. Please don't use multiple IP addresses to circumvent this limit.
- Comments placed through the API will incur a $M1 transaction fee.
Trade history dumps
For data analysis and backtesting purposes, you can bulk download all markets and bets/trades on the platform since December 2021.
- Bets data 2024-07-04 (967MB)
- Markets data 2024-07-06 (87MB)
- Comments data 2024-07-06 (127MB)
Data dumps last updated: July 6, 2024
Useful resources
We're open source!
common/src/api/schema.ts - type definitions of the apis, including parameters and return values.
GET /v0/user/[username]
Get a user by their username. Remember that usernames may change.
Requires no auth.
Response type: User
type User = {
id: string // user's unique id
createdTime: number
name: string // display name, may contain spaces
username: string // username, used in urls
url: string // link to user's profile
avatarUrl?: string
bio?: string
bannerUrl?: string
website?: string
twitterHandle?: string
discordHandle?: string
isBot?: boolean
isAdmin?: boolean // is Manifold team
isTrustworthy?: boolean // is Moderator
isBannedFromPosting?: boolean
userDeleted?: boolean
// Note: the following are here for convenience only and may be removed in the future.
balance: number
totalDeposits: number
lastBetTime?: number
currentBettingStreak?: number
GET /v0/user/[username]/lite
Get basic user display info by username
Requires no auth.
Response type: DisplayUser
type DisplayUser = {
id: string
name: string // display name, may include spaces
username: string // username, used in urls
avatarUrl?: string
GET /v0/user/by-id/[id]
Get a user by their unique ID. Many other API endpoints return this as the userId
Requires no auth.
Response type: User
GET /v0/user/by-id/[id]/lite
Get a user's display info by unique ID
Requires no auth
Response type: DisplayUser
GET /v0/me
Return the authenticated user.
Response type: User
GET /v0/user/[username]/bets
Get bets by a particular user.
Requires no auth.
This api is deprecated in favor of the more versatile /v0/bets/ api.
GET /v0/groups
Get all topics, in order of descending creation time, 500 at a time. This endpoint returns only public topics, not curated or private ones.
: Optional. Get only topics created before this time.availableToUserId
: Optional. Get only topics that the user has access to.
Requires no auth.
Response type: Array of Group
GET /v0/group/[slug]
Get a topic by its slug.
Requires no auth.
GET /v0/group/by-id/[id]
Get a topic by its unique ID.
Requires no auth.
GET /v0/group/by-id/[id]/markets
Get markets tagged with this topic.
Requires no auth.
This api is deprecated in favor of the more versatile /v0/markets api below.
GET /v0/markets
List all markets, ordered by creation date descending.
: Optional. How many markets to return. The maximum is 1000 and the default is 500.sort
: Optional. One of 'created-time', 'updated-time', 'last-bet-time', or 'last-comment-time' to sort by that timestamp. Defaults to 'created-time'.order
: Optional. One of 'asc' or 'desc'. Defaults to 'desc'.before
: Optional. The ID of the market before which the list will start. For example, if you ask for the most recent 10 markets, and then perform a second query for 10 more markets withbefore=[the id of the 10th market]
, you will get markets 11 through 20.userId
: Optional. Include only markets created by this user.groupId
: Optional. Include only markets tagged with this topic.
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Example response:
"question":"Will I write a new blog post today?",
"p":0.08281474972181882,//This is the probability around which the market liquidity is "centered'.
Response type: Array of LiteMarket
// Information about a market, but without bets or comments
type LiteMarket = {
// Unique identifer for this market
id: string
// Attributes about the creator
creatorId: string
creatorUsername: string
creatorName: string
creatorAvatarUrl?: string
// Market atributes
createdTime: number // When the market was created
closeTime?: number // Min of creator's chosen date, and resolutionTime
question: string
// Note: This url always points to, regardless of what instance the api is running on.
// This url includes the creator's username, but this doesn't need to be correct when constructing valid URLs.
// i.e. is the same as
url: string
mechanism: string // dpm-2, cpmm-1, or cpmm-multi-1
probability: number
pool: { outcome: number } // For CPMM markets, the number of shares in the liquidity pool. For DPM markets, the amount of mana invested in each answer.
p?: number // CPMM markets only, probability constant in y^p * n^(1-p) = k
totalLiquidity?: number // CPMM markets only, the amount of mana deposited into the liquidity pool
value?: number // PSEUDO_NUMERIC markets only, the current market value, which is mapped from probability using min, max, and isLogScale.
min?: number // PSEUDO_NUMERIC markets only, the minimum resolvable value
max?: number // PSEUDO_NUMERIC markets only, the maximum resolvable value
isLogScale?: bool // PSEUDO_NUMERIC markets only, if true `number = (max - min + 1)^probability + minstart - 1`, otherwise `number = min + (max - min) * probability`
volume: number
volume24Hours: number
isResolved: boolean
resolutionTime?: number
resolution?: string
resolutionProbability?: number // Used for BINARY markets resolved to MKT
uniqueBettorCount: number
lastUpdatedTime?: number
lastBetTime?: number
token?: 'MANA' | 'CASH' // mana or prizecash question
siblingContractId?: string // id of the prizecash or mana version of this question that you get to by toggling.
GET /v0/market/[marketId]
Get information about a single market by ID. Includes answers, but not bets and
comments. Use /bets
or /comments
with a market ID to retrieve bets or
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Example response:
"id": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"creatorUsername": "Angela",
"creatorName": "Angela",
"createdTime": 1655258914863,
"creatorAvatarUrl": "",
"closeTime": 1655265001448,
"question": "What is good?",
"description": "Resolves proportionally to the answer(s) which I find most compelling. (Obviously I'll refrain from giving my own answers)\n\n(Please have at it with philosophy, ethics, etc etc)\n\n\nContract resolved automatically.",
"url": "",
"pool": null,
"outcomeType": "FREE_RESPONSE",
"mechanism": "dpm-2",
"volume": 112,
"volume24Hours": 0,
"isResolved": true,
"resolution": "MKT",
"resolutionTime": 1655265001448,
"token": "MANA",
"answers": [
"createdTime": 1655258941573,
"avatarUrl": "",
"id": "1",
"username": "Angela",
"number": 1,
"name": "Angela",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"text": "ANTE",
"userId": "qe2QqIlOkeWsbljfeF3MsxpSJ9i2",
"probability": 0.66749733001068
"name": "Isaac King",
"username": "IsaacKing",
"text": "This answer",
"userId": "y1hb6k7txdZPV5mgyxPFApZ7nQl2",
"id": "2",
"number": 2,
"avatarUrl": "",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"createdTime": 1655261198074,
"probability": 0.008922214311142757
"createdTime": 1655263226587,
"userId": "jbgplxty4kUKIa1MmgZk22byJq03",
"id": "3",
"avatarUrl": "",
"text": "Toyota Camry",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"name": "Undox",
"username": "Undox",
"number": 3,
"probability": 0.008966714133143469
"number": 4,
"name": "James Grugett",
"userId": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"text": "Utility (Defined by your personal utility function.)",
"createdTime": 1655264793224,
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"username": "JamesGrugett",
"id": "4",
"avatarUrl": "",
"probability": 0.09211463154147384
Response type: A FullMarket
// A complete market, along with answers (for free response markets)
type FullMarket = LiteMarket & {
answers?: Answer[] // multi markets only
shouldAnswersSumToOne?: boolean // multi markets only, whether answers are dependant (that is add up to 100%, typically used when only one answer should win). Always true for dpm-2 multiple choice and free response
addAnswersMode?: 'ANYONE' | 'ONLY_CREATOR' | 'DISABLED' // multi markets only, who can add answers
options?: { text: string; votes: number }[] // poll only
totalBounty?: number // bounty only
bountyLeft?: number // bounty only
description: JSONContent // Rich text content. See
textDescription: string // string description without formatting, images, or embeds
coverImageUrl?: string
groupSlugs?: string[] // topics tagged in this market
GET /v0/market/[marketId]/prob
Get the current probability (or probabilities for multiple choice markets) for a market without caching.
: Required. The ID of the market.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Example response:
"prob": 0.62
For non-binary markets (e.g. multiple choice, set) you get a dictionary of probabilities for each answer id.
Example response:
"answerProbs": {
"PI806hsqn2": 0.670156962142921,
"tO5sp2SAlA": 0.3298430378570791
GET /v0/market-probs
Get the current probabilities for multiple markets in a single request.
: Required. An array of market IDs, up to length 100.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Example response:
"9t61v9e7x4": {
"prob": 0.62
"ZNlNdzz690": {
"answerProbs": {
"answer1": 0.67,
"answer2": 0.33
GET /v0/market/[marketId]/positions
Get positions information about a single market.
: Optional.shares
(default). The field to order results
: Optional. The number of top positions (ordered byorder
) to return.bottom
: Optional. The number of bottom positions (ordered byorder
) to return.userId
: Optional. The user ID to query by. If provided, only the position for this user will be returned.answerId
: Optional. The answer ID to query by. If provided, only the positions for this answer will be returned.
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Example response:
"from": {
"day": {
"value": 23.479030029570662,
"profit": 0,
"invested": 23.479030029570662,
"prevValue": 23.479030029570662,
"profitPercent": 0
"week": {
"value": 0,
"profit": 8.479030029570673,
"invested": 15,
"prevValue": 0,
"profitPercent": 56.52686686380448
"month": {
"value": 0,
"profit": 8.479030029570673,
"invested": 15,
"prevValue": 0,
"profitPercent": 56.52686686380448
"loan": 1.7123642870400002,
"payout": 23.479030029570673,
"profit": 8.479030029570673,
"userId": "IpTiwOTs96VIzeoxu66tfitUcBZ2",
"invested": 15,
"userName": "Lucas Goldfein",
"hasShares": true,
"contractId": "kupKInoLsjMuiDiNfogm",
"hasNoShares": true,
"lastBetTime": 1678924706057,
"totalShares": {
"NO": 89.17418492518308
"hasYesShares": false,
"userUsername": "LucasGoldfein56b1",
"profitPercent": 56.52686686380448,
"userAvatarUrl": "",
"maxSharesOutcome": "NO"
"from": {
"day": {
"value": 5.008090894597479,
"profit": 0,
"invested": 5.008090894597479,
"prevValue": 5.008090894597479,
"profitPercent": 0
"week": {
"value": 0,
"profit": -4.991909105402519,
"invested": 10,
"prevValue": 0,
"profitPercent": -49.919091054025195
"month": {
"value": 0,
"profit": -4.991909105402519,
"invested": 10,
"prevValue": 0,
"profitPercent": -49.919091054025195
"loan": 1.14157619136,
"payout": 5.008090894597481,
"profit": -4.991909105402519,
"userId": "JNkmw38JICdw6ySJ9RgWK7WyBdE2",
"invested": 10,
"userName": "Sylvie",
"hasShares": true,
"contractId": "kupKInoLsjMuiDiNfogm",
"hasNoShares": true,
"lastBetTime": 1678914591730,
"totalShares": {
"NO": 19.020906016751987
"hasYesShares": false,
"userUsername": "sylv",
"profitPercent": -49.919091054025195,
"userAvatarUrl": "",
"maxSharesOutcome": "NO"
Response type: An array of ContractMetric
// A single position in a market
type ContractMetric = {
contractId: string
| {
// includes, day, week,month
[period: string]: {
profit: number
profitPercent: number
invested: number
prevValue: number
value: number
| undefined
hasNoShares: boolean
hasShares: boolean
hasYesShares: boolean
invested: number
loan: number
maxSharesOutcome: string | null
payout: number
profit: number
profitPercent: number
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
userId: string
userUsername: string
userName: string
userAvatarUrl: string
lastBetTime: number
GET /v0/slug/[marketSlug]
Get information about a single market by slug (the portion of the URL path after the username).
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Response type: A FullMarket
GET /v0/search-markets
Search or filter markets, Similar to the browse page.
Requires no auth.
: The search query in question. Can be empty string.sort
: Optional.score
, or ... (see code)filter
: Optional. Closing state.all
, orclosing-next-month
: Optional.ALL
, or ... (see code)topicSlug
: Optional. Only include questions with the topic tag with this slug.creatorId
: Optional. Only include questions created by the user with this id.limit
: Optional. Number of contracts to return from 0 to 1000. Default 100.offset
: Optional. Number of contracts to skip. Use with limit to paginate the results.
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl -X GET
Response type: Array of LiteMarket
GET /v0/users
List all users, ordered by creation date descending.
: Optional. How many users to return. The maximum is 1000 and the default is 500.before
: Optional. The ID of the user before which the list will start. For example, if you ask for the most recent 10 users, and then perform a second query for 10 more users withbefore=[the id of the 10th user]
, you will get users 11 through 20.
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Example response:
"id": "igi2zGXsfxYPgB0DJTXVJVmwCOr2",
"createdTime": 1639011767273,
"name": "Austin",
"username": "Austin",
"url": "",
"avatarUrl": "",
"bio": "I build Manifold! Always happy to chat; reach out on Discord or find a time on!",
"bannerUrl": "",
"website": "",
"twitterHandle": "akrolsmir",
"discordHandle": "akrolsmir#4125",
"balance": 9122.607163564959,
"totalDeposits": 10339.004780544328,
"totalPnLCached": 9376.601262721899
Response type: Array of User
POST /v0/bet
Place a new bet or limit order.
: The amount to bet, in mana, before fees.contractId
: The ID of the market to bet on.outcome
: Optional.YES
(default) orNO
: Optional. Makes this a limit order.limitProb
is a number from0.01
representing the probability price to set a limit order at (like 0.01 is 1%). Can only be two decimal digits - a whole precent.If the limit crosses the market price, the bet will execute immediately in the direction of
up to the limit. If not all the bet is filled, the rest will remain as an open limit order.- For example, if the current market probability is
:- A
bet onYES
would not be filled until the market probability moves down to40%
and someone betsM$15
to match your bet odds. - A
bet onYES
would fill partially or completely depending on current unfilled limit bets and the AMM's liquidity. Any remaining portion of the bet not filled would remain to be matched against in the future.
- A
- An unfilled limit order bet can be cancelled using the cancel API.
- For example, if the current market probability is
: Optional. When the limit order should be automatically canceled.expiresMillisAfter
: Optional. Miliseconds after creation when the limit order should be automatically canceled.dryRun
: Optional. If true, the bet will not be placed and the API will return a simulated result.
Response type: A Bet
POST /v0/bet/cancel/[id]
Cancel a limit order.
POST /v0/market
Create a new market.
This costs mana:
Market Type | Creation Cost |
BINARY | M$50 |
MULTIPLE_CHOICE | M$25/answer or M$25 for no preset answers |
: The headline question for the market.description
: Optional. A description for the market. Note: for formatted text instead use:descriptionHtml
: string with htmldescriptionMarkdown
: string with markdowndescriptionJson
: stringified TipTap json
: Optional. When the market will close. Defaults to 7 days from now.visibility
: Optional.public
(default) orunlisted
. Controls whether the market can be shown on homepage and in search results.groupIds
: Optional. An array of topics to tag this market with.extraLiquidity
: Optional.
For binary markets, you must also provide:
: An initial probability for the market, between 1 and 99.
For numeric markets, you must also provide:
: The minimum value that the market may resolve to.max
: The maximum value that the market may resolve to.isLogScale
: If true, your numeric market will increase exponentially from min to max.initialValue
: An initial value for the market, between min and max, exclusive.
For multiple choice markets, you must also provide:
: An array of strings, each of which will be a valid answer for the market.addAnswersMode
: Optional. Controls who can add answers to the market after it has been created. Must be one of'DISABLED' | 'ONLY_CREATOR' | 'ANYONE'
. Defaults to'DISABLED'
: Optional. Iftrue
, makes this market auto-arbitrage so that probabilities add up to 100% and restricts market resolution accordingly.
For bountied questions, you must also provide:
: The total amount of mana to be distributed to the best answers.
For polls, you must also provide:
: An array of strings, each of which will be an option for the poll.
Response type: LiteMarket
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/answer
Add a valid answer for the market. Currently only supports MULTIPLE_CHOICE
: The answer text.
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/add-liquidity
Add mana to liquidity pool. Does not boost.
: Amount of M$ to add
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/add-bounty
Add mana to a bounty question's reward.
: Amount of M$ to add
Response type: Txn
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/award-bounty
Distribute a bounty market reward.
: Amount of M$ to addcommentId
: The comment to award the bounty to.
Response type: Txn
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/close
Set the close time of a market.
: Optional. Milliseconds since the epoch to close the market at. If not provided, close the market immediately.
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/group
Add or remove a topic tag from a market.
: The ID of the topic.remove
: Optional. Set totrue
to un-tag the topic.
Requires Auth. Must be admin/moderator/creator of topic if curated/private. Must be market creator or site moderator if topic is public.
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/resolve
Resolve a market. The required payload format depends on the market type.
For Binary Markets
- outcome: One of
. - probabilityInt (optional): The probability to use for a
For Free Response or Multiple Choice Markets
The resolution payload format depends on the market’s shouldAnswersSumToOne
1. When shouldAnswersSumToOne
is true (the default for dpm-2 free response and multiple choice):
Use the weighted resolution format:
"outcome": "MKT", // or CANCEL, or a number indicating the selected answer index
"resolutions": [
{ "answer": <number>, "pct": <number> }
- Each object in the
array assigns a weight (pct
) to an answer (indicated by its index). The weights must add up to 100.
2. When shouldAnswersSumToOne
is false:
Resolve each answer individually, as you would for a binary market. For each answer, issue a separate resolve request with a payload that includes:
- outcome: Either
(if the answer is resolved as a win) or"NO"
(if resolved as a loss). - answerId: The unique identifier for the answer (as returned in the full market’s
For example, to resolve an individual answer:
"outcome": "YES", // or "NO"
"answerId": "<answerId>"
This approach treats each answer as an independent binary resolution, ensuring that the actual answer identifier is included in the payload.
For Numeric Markets
- outcome: Either
or a number indicating the selected numeric bucket ID. - value: The value that the market resolves to.
- probabilityInt: Required if
is provided. It should equal:- For log scale:
log10(value - min + 1) / log10(max - min + 1)
- Otherwise:
(value - min) / (max - min)
- For log scale:
POST /v0/market/[marketId]/sell
Sell shares in a market.
. Which kind of shares you are selling - defaults to the kind you have.shares
: Optional. How many shares you are selling - defaults to all.answerId
: Required on multi choice. The ID of the answer you are selling your position in.
POST /v0/comment
Create a comment in the specified market. Only supports top-level comments for now.
: The ID of the market to comment on.content
: The comment to post, formatted as TipTap json, ORhtml
: The comment to post, formatted as an HTML string, ORmarkdown
: The comment to post, formatted as a markdown string.
GET /v0/comments
Get a list of comments for a contract or user, ordered by creation date descending.
: Optional. The ID of the market to read comments of.contractSlug
: Optional. The slug of the market to read comments of.limit
. Optional. How many comments to return. The default and maximum are both
. Optional. For pagination withlimit
: Optional. Get only comments created by this user.
Requires no auth.
GET /v0/bets
Gets a list of bets, ordered by creation date descending.
: Optional. Include only bets by the user with this ID.username
: Optional. Include only bets by the user with this username.contractId
: Optional. Include only bets on the market with this ID. Can be multiple ids.contractSlug
: Optional. Include only bets on the market with this slug.limit
: Optional. How many bets to return. The default and maximum are both 1000.before
: Optional. Include only bets created before the bet with this ID.- For
example, if you ask for the most recent 10 bets, and then perform a second
query for 10 more bets with
before=[the id of the 10th bet]
, you will get bets 11 through 20.
- For
example, if you ask for the most recent 10 bets, and then perform a second
query for 10 more bets with
: Optional. Include only bets created after the bet with this ID.- For example, if you request the 10 most recent bets and then perform a second query with
after=[the id of the 1st bet]
, you will receive up to 10 new bets, if available.
- For example, if you request the 10 most recent bets and then perform a second query with
: Optional. Include only bets created before this timestamp.afterTime
: Optional. Include only bets created after this timestamp.kinds
: Optional. Specifies subsets of bets to return. Possible kinds:open-limit
(open limit orders, including ones on closed and reolved markets).order
: Optional.asc
(default). The sorting order for returned bets.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Response type: An array of Bet
Example response:
// Limit bet, partially filled.
"isFilled": false,
"amount": 15.596681605353808, //The amount that has already been filled.
"userId": "IPTOzEqrpkWmEzh6hwvAyY9PqFb2",
"contractId": "Tz5dA01GkK5QKiQfZeDL",
"probBefore": 0.5730753474948571,
"isCancelled": false,
"outcome": "YES",
"fees": { "creatorFee": 0, "liquidityFee": 0, "platformFee": 0 },
"shares": 31.193363210707616,
"limitProb": 0.5,
"id": "yXB8lVbs86TKkhWA1FVi",
"loanAmount": 0,
"orderAmount": 100, //The original amount placed on the limit order when it was created. The amount remaining can be calulated as orderAmount - amount.
"probAfter": 0.5730753474948571,
"createdTime": 1659482775970,
"fills": [
"timestamp": 1659483249648,
"matchedBetId": "MfrMd5HTiGASDXzqibr7",
"amount": 15.596681605353808,
"shares": 31.193363210707616
// Normal bet (no limitProb specified).
"shares": 17.350459904608414,
"probBefore": 0.5304358279113885,
"isFilled": true,
"probAfter": 0.5730753474948571,
"userId": "IPTOzEqrpkWmEzh6hwvAyY9PqFb2",
"amount": 10,
"contractId": "Tz5dA01GkK5QKiQfZeDL",
"id": "1LPJHNz5oAX4K6YtJlP1",
"fees": {
"platformFee": 0,
"liquidityFee": 0,
"creatorFee": 0.4251333951457593
"isCancelled": false,
"loanAmount": 0,
"orderAmount": 10,
"fills": [
"amount": 10,
"matchedBetId": null,
"shares": 17.350459904608414,
"timestamp": 1659482757271
"createdTime": 1659482757271,
"outcome": "YES"
GET /v0/managrams
Gets a list of managrams, ordered by creation time descending.
: Optional. Returns managrams sent to this user.fromId
: Optional. Returns managrams sent from this user.limit
: Optional. How many managrams to return. The maximum and the default are 100.before
: Optional. ThecreatedTime
before which you want managramsafter
: Optional. ThecreatedTime
after which you want managrams
Requires no auth.
This api is deprecated in favor of the more versatile /v0/txns/ api below.
POST /v0/managram
Send mana to another user.
: An array of user IDs to send to.amount
: The amount of mana (must be >= 10) to send to each user.message
: Optional. A message to include.
GET /v0/leagues
Get a list of league standings for a particular user or season.
: Optional. Returns only leagues for this user.season
: Optional. Number. Returns only a particular season.cohort
: Optional. String. The snake-cased quirky name of a league - returns only this particular league
Requires no auth.
Manifold Love Endpoints
GET /v0/get-lovers
See all users' profile data. (Doesn't include answers to compatibility questions.)
Requires no auth.
Example response (truncated):
"lovers": [
"id": 2,
"user_id": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"created_time": "2023-10-21T21:18:26.691Z",
"last_online_time": "2024-02-02T00:16:34.937Z",
"city": "San Francisco",
"gender": "male",
"pref_gender": [
"user": {
"id": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"bio": "Manifold cofounder! We got the AMM (What!?). We got the order book (What!?). We got the combination AMM and order book!",
"name": "James",
GET /v0/get-lover-answers?userId=[user_id]
See a specific user's answers to compatibility questions.
Requires no auth.
GET /v0/txns
Get a list of transactions, ordered by creation date descending.
: Optional. Type of token (e.g., 'CASH', 'MANA')offset
: Optional. Number of records to skip (for pagination). Default is 0.limit
: Optional. Maximum number of records to return. The default and maximum are both 100.before
: Optional. Include only transactions created before this timestamp.after
: Optional. Include only transactions created after this timestamp.toId
: Optional. Include only transactions to the user with this ID.fromId
: Optional. Include only transactions from the user with this ID.category
: Optional. Include only transactions of this category.
Requires no auth.
Example request:
curl "" -X GET
Response type: An array of Txn
Example response:
"id": "INKcoBUVT914i1XUJ6rG",
"data": {
"groupId": "e097e0c5-3ce0-4eb2-9ca7-6554f86b84cd",
"message": "Puzzles for Progress",
"visibility": "public"
"toId": "AJwLWoo3xue32XIiAVrL5SyR1WB2",
"token": "M$",
"amount": 2500,
"fromId": "jO7sUhIDTQbAJ3w86akzncTlpRG2",
"toType": "USER",
"category": "MANA_PAYMENT",
"fromType": "USER",
"createdTime": 1695665438987,
"description": "Mana payment 2500 from MichaelWheatley to jO7sUhIDTQbAJ3w86akzncTlpRG2"
Note: This API corresponds to the txns
postgres table and does not include bets and liquidity injections.
Example response (truncated):
"answers": [
"id": 3167,
"question_id": 187,
"creator_id": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"created_time": "2023-12-07T18:44:42.549Z",
"explanation": "This is a fun question. As a startup founder, I'm a Gryffindor. As a friend, a Hufflepuff. When discussing ideas, I'm a Ravenclaw. When I have a galaxy-brain scheme to alter society and maximize utility, I'm a Slytherin.",
"multiple_choice": 0,
"pref_choices": [0, 1, 2, 3],
"importance": 1
GET /v0/get-compatibility-questions
See the text of all compatibility questions.
Requires no auth.
Example response (truncated):
"questions": [
"id": 297,
"creator_id": "IwoMKy7dXwXlqeTDn8vPbSe4w4m1",
"created_time": "2024-01-30T03:04:30.899Z",
"question": "When we disagree, I prefer to:",
"importance_score": 0,
"answer_type": "compatibility_multiple_choice",
"multiple_choice_options": {
"Avoid bringing up difficult topics": 3,
"Discuss the issue calmly and find a compromise": 0,
"Take some time to cool off before discussing it": 1,
"Express my feelings directly, even if it gets heated": 2
"answer_count": 41,
"score": 12.6829268292683
Manifold provides a real-time websocket server that allows you to subscribe to updates about markets, bets, and other events. The websocket endpoint is available at wss://
and wss://
Message Format
All messages sent to and from the server must be valid JSON strings. Each client message must include:
: The type of message ('identify', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', or 'ping')txid
: A unique number identifying this message
The server will respond to each client message with an acknowledgement:
"type": "ack",
"txid": 123,
"success": true
Subscribing to Topics
To subscribe to updates, send a message with:
"type": "subscribe",
"txid": 123,
"topics": ["global/new-bet", "contract/[marketId]"]
Available topics:
Global topics
- All new bets across all marketsglobal/new-contract
- All new markets being createdglobal/new-comment
- All new comments across all marketsglobal/new-subsidy
- All new liquidity subsidiesglobal/updated-contract
- Updates to any public market
Per-contract topics (replace [marketId] with the actual market ID)
- General market updatescontract/[marketId]/new-bet
- New bets on this marketcontract/[marketId]/new-comment
- New comments on this marketcontract/[marketId]/new-subsidy
- New liquidity subsidies on this marketcontract/[marketId]/new-answer
- New answers added to this market (for multiple choice markets)contract/[marketId]/updated-answers
- Updates to answers on this marketcontract/[marketId]/orders
- Updates to limit orders on this marketcontract/[marketId]/chart-annotation
- New chart annotations on this marketcontract/[marketId]/user-metrics/[userId]
- Updates to a user's position in this market
Other topics
- Updates to a user's public informationanswer/[answerId]/update
- Updates to a specific answertv_schedule
- Updates to the TV schedule
Example Usage
Here's an example of how to connect and subscribe to global bet updates using Node.js:
import { APIRealtimeClient } from 'common/api/websocket-client'
const client = new APIRealtimeClient('wss://')
// Subscribe to all new bets
client.subscribe(['global/new-bet'], (msg) => {
console.log('New bet:',
// Subscribe to a specific market's updates
client.subscribe(['contract/1234'], (msg) => {
console.log('Market update:',
Or using plain WebSocket:
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://')
let txid = 0
ws.onopen = () => {
// Subscribe to global bets
type: 'subscribe',
txid: txid++,
topics: ['global/new-bet'],
ws.onmessage = (event) => {
const msg = JSON.parse(
if (msg.type === 'broadcast') {
console.log('Received broadcast:',
// Send periodic pings to keep connection alive
setInterval(() => {
type: 'ping',
txid: txid++,
}, 30000)
The server will send broadcast messages in this format:
"type": "broadcast",
"topic": "global/new-bet",
"data": {
// Bet data
Note: The websocket connection requires periodic pings (every 30-60 seconds) to stay alive. If no ping is received for 60 seconds, the connection will be terminated.
Internal API
Manifold has some internal API endpoints that are not part of the official API. These are largely undocumented, but a few are mentioned here for third-party use until a more permanent solution is implimented. These endpoints are not preceeded by /v0
and are even more subject to sudden changes than the official API endpoints.
POST /unresolve
Unresolves a market. Requires auth.
: The ID of the market to unresolve.
- 2024-10-30: Remove undefined parameter from
and removesell-shares-dpm
endpoint - 2024-02-01: Add Manifold Love endpoints
- 2023-12-19: Formatting & copy improvements. Updated parameters and return types.
- 2023-12-18:
. Please migrate old code. - 2023-12-12: New flat api structure (reverted)
- 2023-10-27: Update
to allow all the same search options as our search - 2023-09-29: Add
endpoints - 2023-05-15: Change the response of the
POST endpoint from{"status": "success"}
to a fullBet
, with an additional"status": "success"
field - 2023-04-03: Add
POST endpoint. - 2023-03-21: Add
endpoints - 2022-11-22: Update /market GET to remove
- 2022-10-17: Update /market POST to allow
; markcloseTime
as optional; removetags
- 2022-09-24: Expand market POST docs to include new market types (
) - 2022-07-15: Add user by username and user by ID APIs
- 2022-06-08: Add paging to markets endpoint
- 2022-06-05: Add new authorized write endpoints
- 2022-02-28: Add
to markets, changecloseTime
definition - 2022-02-19: Removed user IDs from bets
- 2022-02-17: Released our v0 API, with
, and/slug/[slugId]